Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Journey into Yourself....

Recently I read one book- ‘The Power of Now’ by Eckhart Tolle. I found this book absolutely self transforming.I would like to share here two paragraphs from this book which is written on topic ‘The Journey into yourself’. Hope readers will like it.

When you are on a journey, it is certainly helpful to know where you are going or at least the general direction in which you are moving, but don’t forget: the only thing that is ultimately real about your journey is the step that you are taking at this moment. That's all there ever is.

Your life’s journey has an outer purpose and an inner purpose. The outer purpose is to arrive at your goal or destination, to accomplish what you set out to do, to achieve this or that, which, of course, implies future. But if our destination, or the steps you are going to take in the future, take up so much of your attention that they become more important to you than the step you are taking now, then you completely miss the journey’s inner purpose, which has nothing to do with where you are going or what you are doing, but everything to do with how. It has nothing to do with future but everything to do with the quality of your consciousness at this moment. The outer purpose belongs to horizontal dimension of space and time; the inner purpose concerns a deepening of your Being in the vertical dimension of the timeless Now.

Your outer journey may contain a million steps; your inner journey only has one: the step you are taking right now. As you become more deeply aware of this one step, you realize that it already contains within itself all the other steps as well as the destination. This one step then becomes transformed into an expression of perfection, an act of great beauty and quality. It will have taken you into Being, and the light of Being will shine through it. This is both the purpose and the fulfilment of your inner journey, the journey into yourself.
--From the book ‘The Power of Now’ Author: Eckhart Tolle.


Uday said...

certainly one of the best books that I have read. Here, one can find that each word has power to transform oneself. This book can be a perfect gift to your friend and family. (Gujarati translation edition is also available for those who are not well-versed with English)

Here are few quotes from the book.

"What, at this precise moment, is lacking in your life ?"

"If not now, when ?"

"Everything is honored, but nothing really matters."

Nn said...

Absolutely wonderful and very true. I shall try to get hold on this book at the earliest !

Hetal said...

@Uday & Nn:
Indeed it is wonderful thought... in rush of life we seldom forget that it is only our present - Now is going to make Past and Future... we should focus on Present more.. if that is right automatically Future will be well in place..

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